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Focus of the Conference


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Secure Enterprise Architectures
  • (Process based) Security Models / Methods
  • Risk planning, analysis & awareness
  • Availability and Reliability
  • Reliability Models
  • Failure Prevention
  • Dependability Assessment
  • Standards, Guidelines and Certification
  • Common Criteria Protocol
  • Security in Distributed Systems / Distributed Databases
  • Dependability in Open Source Software
  • Authorization and Authentication
  • Dependability Requirement Engineering
  • Network Security
  • Software Security
  • Cryptographic protocols
  • Intrusion Detection and Fraud Detection
  • Privacy-enhancing technologies
  • Security and privacy issues for sensor networks, wireless/mobile devices and applications
  • Security and Trust Management in P2P and Grid applications
  • Survivability of Computing Systems
  • Interoperability aspectsSecurity as Quality of Service.
  • Information Flow Control
  • Dependability Modelling and Prediction
  • Tools for Dependable System Design and Evaluation
  • Temporal Aspects of Dependability
  • Dependability administration
  • Dependability Measurement and Analysis
  • Dependability Benchmarking
  • Trust Models and Trust Management
  • Fault/Bug Tolerant Aspects
  • Internet Dependability
  • E-Commerce Dependability
  • Safety Critical Systems
  • Software Engineering of Dependable Systems
  • Dependability Aspects of Mobile Government (m-Government)
  • Dependability Aspects of Electronic Government (e-Government)
  • Effectivity of Biometrics
  • Security in Electronic Voting
  • Security Issues for Ubiquitous Systems
  • Availability of Pervasive Computing Systems
  • Dependability Aspects for Special Applications (e.g ERP-Systems, Logistics)
  • Designing Business Models with security requirements
  • Security for Biometrics Applications
  • Security in Electronic Payments
  • Incident Response and Prevention
  • Mobile Resources/Services
  • Mobile Security
  • VOIP/Wireless Security
  • Web Security
  • RFID Security and Privacy
  • User Interfaces and Dependability
  • Legal issues
  • IPR of Security Technology